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Tutorial: Connect a remote machine to the Web IDE

DETAILS: Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate Offering:, Self-managed, GitLab Dedicated

FLAG: On self-managed GitLab, by default this feature is available. To hide the feature, an administrator can disable the feature flag named vscode_web_ide. On and GitLab Dedicated, this feature is available. This feature is not ready for production use.

This tutorial shows you how to:

  • Create a development environment outside of GitLab.
  • Connect a remote machine to the Web IDE.

To connect a remote machine to the Web IDE, you'll:

  1. Generate Let's Encrypt certificates.
  2. Connect a development environment to the Web IDE.


  • A remote virtual machine with root access
  • A domain address resolving to that machine
  • Docker installation

Generate Let's Encrypt certificates

To generate Let's Encrypt certificates:

  1. Create an A record to point a domain to your remote machine (for example, from to

    NOTE: If you do not have access to a domain, you can use a service like DuckDNS.

  2. Install Certbot to enable HTTPS:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install certbot
  3. Generate the certificates:

    export EMAIL=""
    export DOMAIN=""
    certbot -d "${DOMAIN}" \
      -m "${EMAIL}" \
      --config-dir ~/.certbot/config \
      --logs-dir ~/.certbot/logs \
      --work-dir ~/.certbot/work \
      --manual \
      --preferred-challenges dns certonly

    NOTE: With DuckDNS, you must use the Certbot DNS DuckDNS plugin.

Now that you've generated the certificates, it's time to create and connect a development environment.

Connect a development environment to the Web IDE

To connect a development environment to the Web IDE:

  1. Create a development environment:

    export CERTS_DIR="/home/ubuntu/.certbot/config/live/${DOMAIN}"
    export PROJECTS_DIR="/home/ubuntu"
    docker run -d \
      --name my-environment \
      -p 3443:3443 \
      -v "${CERTS_DIR}/fullchain.pem:/gitlab-rd-web-ide/certs/fullchain.pem" \
      -v "${CERTS_DIR}/privkey.pem:/gitlab-rd-web-ide/certs/privkey.pem" \
      -v "${PROJECTS_DIR}:/projects" \ \
      --log-level warn --domain "${DOMAIN}" --ignore-version-mismatch

    The new development environment starts automatically.

  2. Fetch a token:

    docker exec my-environment cat TOKEN
  3. Configure a remote connection.

Configure a remote connection

To configure a remote connection from the Web IDE:

  1. Open the Web IDE.
  2. On the menu bar, select View > Terminal or press Control+`.
  3. In the terminal panel, select Configure a remote connection.
  4. Enter the URL for the remote host including the port (for example,
  5. Enter the project path.
  6. Enter the token you've fetched.

Alternatively, you can pass the parameters from a URL and connect directly to the Web IDE:

  1. Run this command:

    echo "${DOMAIN}:3443&hostPath=/projects"
  2. Go to that URL and enter the token you've fetched.

You've done it! Your development environment now runs as a remote host that's connected to the Web IDE.

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