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Tutorials: Build your application

Learn about CI/CD pipelines

Use CI/CD pipelines to automatically build, test, and deploy your code.

Topic Description Good for beginners
Create and run your first GitLab CI/CD pipeline Create a .gitlab-ci.yml file and start a pipeline. {star}
Create a complex pipeline Learn about the most commonly used GitLab CI/CD keywords by building an increasingly complex pipeline.
Get started: Learn about CI/CD (9m 02s) Learn about the .gitlab-ci.yml file and how it's used. {star}
GitLab CI Fundamentals Learn about GitLab CI/CD and build a pipeline in this self-paced course. {star}
CI deep dive (22m 51s) Take a closer look at pipelines and continuous integration concepts.
Set up CI/CD in the cloud Learn how to set up CI/CD in different cloud-based environments.
Find CI/CD examples and templates Use these examples and templates to set up CI/CD for your use case.
Understand CI/CD rules (8m 56s) Learn more about how to use CI/CD rules.
Use Auto DevOps to deploy an application Deploy an application to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
Using Buildah in a rootless container with GitLab Runner Operator on OpenShift Learn how to set up GitLab Runner Operator on OpenShift to build Docker images with Buildah in a rootless container

Configure GitLab Runner

Set up runners to run jobs in a pipeline.

Topic Description Good for beginners
Create, register, and run your own project runner Learn the basics of how to create and register a project runner that runs jobs for your project. {star}
Configure GitLab Runner to use the Google Kubernetes Engine Learn how to configure GitLab Runner to use the GKE to run jobs.
Automate runner creation and registration Learn how to automate runner creation as an authenticated user to optimize your runner fleet.

Publish a static website

Use GitLab Pages to publish a static website directly from your project.

Topic Description Good for beginners
Create a Pages website from a CI/CD template Quickly generate a Pages website for your project using a CI/CD template for a popular Static Site Generator (SSG). {star}
Create a Pages website from scratch Create all the components of a Pages website from a blank project.
Build, test, and deploy your Hugo site with GitLab Generate your Hugo site using a CI/CD template and GitLab Pages. {star}