Collaboration is the best way to work. It’s the only way to work, really.

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Get started page type

A Get started page is meant to introduce high-level concepts for a broad feature area. While a specific feature might be defined in the feature documentation, a Get started page is meant to give an introduction to a set of concepts. When you group the concepts together, you help the user see how they fit together.

A Get started page should familiarize the reader with terms and then quickly point them to actions they can take to get started. Hopefully the actions are task-based, but the next step can also be to learn more.

When to use a Get started page

A Get started page should be used only for a larger concept, like CI/CD or security. In general, we describe features in concept topics. However, if you find you want to explain how multiple concepts fit together, then a Get started page might be what you need.

To determine if a Get started page makes sense, make a list of the common terms you expect to include. If you have more than four or five, then this page type might make sense.

A Get started page is different from a tutorial. It's conceptual, while a tutorial helps the user achieve a task. A Get started page should point to tutorials, however, because tutorials are a great way for a user to get started.


Get started pages should be in this format:

# Get started with abc

Abc is a thing you use to do xyz. You might use it when you need to blah,
and it can be helpful for etc.

## Common terms

If you're new to abc, start by reviewing some of the most commonly used terms.

### First term

This thing is this. Describe what it is, not how to do it.

**Get started:**

- [Create your first abc](LINK).
- [Learn more about abc](LINK).

### Second term

This thing is this. Describe what it is, not how to do it.

**Get started:**

- [Create your first abc](LINK).
- [Learn more about abc](LINK).

## Videos

- [Video 1](LINK).
- [Video 2](LINK).

## Related topics

- [Link 1](LINK).
- [Link 2](LINK).
  • Follow the video guidance for the links in the Video topic.
  • Do not use links inline with content (as part of sentences). Use them where links are specified only.
  • The terms described on this page can exist elsewhere in the docs. However, the term descriptions on this page should be relatively brief.

Get started page titles

For the title, use Get started with topic_name.

For the left nav, use Getting started.


For an example of the Get started page type, see Get started with GitLab CI/CD.