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Use custom emoji with GraphQL

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To use custom emoji in comments and descriptions, you can add them to a top-level group using the GraphQL API.


Attribute Type Required Description
group_path integer/string Yes ID or URL-encoded path of the top-level group
name string Yes Name of the custom emoji.
file string Yes URL of the custom emoji image.

Create a custom emoji

mutation CreateCustomEmoji($groupPath: ID!) {
  createCustomEmoji(input: {groupPath: $groupPath, name: "party-parrot", url: ""}) {
    customEmoji {

After adding a custom emoji to the group, members can use it in the same way as other emoji in the comments.

Get custom emoji for a group

query GetCustomEmoji($groupPath: ID!) {
  group(fullPath: $groupPath) {
    customEmoji {
      nodes {

Set up the GraphiQL explorer

This procedure presents a substantive example that you can copy and paste into GraphiQL explorer. GraphiQL explorer is available for:

  1. Copy the following code excerpt:
    query GetCustomEmoji {
      group(fullPath: "gitlab-org") {
        customEmoji {
          nodes {
  1. Open the GraphiQL explorer tool.
  2. Paste the query listed above into the left window of your GraphiQL explorer tool.
  3. Select Play to get the result shown here:

GraphiQL explore custom emoji query

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